About the Sand simulation

Hello, friends.
Recently I am interested with sand simulation, and I read several papers and a few examples.“Drucker-Prager Elastoplasticity for Sand Animation” and “Multi-species simulation of porous sand and water mixtures”.Both of them give me more ideas. And I noticted that, the Drucker-Prager model is used for the sand simulation. And it is refered by Mast thesis. But there is some simplify points, so is it still as same as the constitutive model in the soil mechanics. I am confused with the Project function.
And I’m also working on the algorithm development of MPM, I tried to add the sand model and set a hourglass model. The results show that it looks like the fluid (shown in the following figures). I just set the friction angle as 35° and use harding parameters and cohesion as 0.
[I used the GIMP shape function]
BTW, I noticted that there are two algorithms named as sand in the taichi, and the Project funtion are different.
Anyone have any idea about the constitutive models, how should I compare it with the soil mechanics. and why the sand simulation results looks like fluid~
Thanks a lot.

1 个赞


Would you mind also posting complete references or links to the papers and the code you mentioned? That helps us better understand your question.

I read the paper:
(1) Drucker-prager elastoplasticity for sand animation
(2) Multi-species simulation of porous sand and water mixtures

1 个赞

And the sand-water coupling test:

import taichi as ti
import numpy as np
import time

quality = 1
n_particles = 20000 * quality ** 3
n_s_particles = ti.field(dtype = int, shape = ())
n_w_particles = ti.field(dtype = int, shape = ())
n_grid = 128 * quality
dx, inv_dx = 1 / n_grid, float(n_grid)
dt = 2e-4 / quality
gravity = ti.Vector([0, 0, -9.8])
d = 3

# sand particle properties
x_s = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # position
v_s = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # velocity
C_s = ti.Matrix.field(3, 3, dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # affine velocity matrix
F_s = ti.Matrix.field(3, 3, dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # deformation gradient
phi_s = ti.field(dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # cohesion and saturation
c_C0 = ti.field(dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # initial cohesion (as maximum)
vc_s = ti.field(dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # tracks changes in the log of the volume gained during extension
alpha_s = ti.field(dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # yield surface size
q_s = ti.field(dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # harding state

# sand grid properties
grid_sv = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype = float) # grid node momentum/velocity
grid_sm = ti.field(dtype = float) # grid node mass
grid_sf = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype = float) # forces in the sand

# water particle properties
x_w = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # position
v_w = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # velocity
C_w = ti.Matrix.field(3, 3, dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # affine velocity matrix
J_w = ti.field(dtype = float, shape = n_particles) # ratio of volume increase

# water grid properties
grid_wv = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype = float) # grid node momentum/velocity
grid_wm = ti.field(dtype = float) # grid node mass
grid_wf = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype = float) #  forces in the water

block_size = 16
block0 = ti.root.pointer(ti.ijk, n_grid // block_size)
block1 = block0.dense(ti.ijk, block_size)
block1.place(grid_sv, grid_sm, grid_sf, grid_wv, grid_wm, grid_wf)

# constant values
p_vol, s_rho, w_rho = (dx * 0.5) ** 3, 400, 400
s_mass, w_mass = p_vol * s_rho, p_vol * w_rho

w_k, w_gamma = 50, 3 # bulk modulus of water and gamma is a term that more stiffy penalizes large deviations from incompressibility

n, k_hat = 0.4, 0.2 # sand porosity and permeability

E_s, nu_s = 3.537e5, 0.3 # sand's Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio
mu_s, lambda_s = E_s / (2 * (1 + nu_s)), E_s * nu_s / ((1 + nu_s) * (1 - 2 * nu_s)) # sand's Lame parameters

mu_b = 0.75 # coefficient of friction

a, b, c0, sC = -3.0, 0, 1e-2, 0.15
# The scalar function h_s is chosen so that the multiplier function is twice continuously differentiable
def h_s(z):
    ret = 0.0
    if z < 0: ret = 1
    if z > 1: ret = 0
    ret = 1 - 10 * (z ** 3) + 15 * (z ** 4) - 6 * (z ** 5)
    return ret

# multiplier
sqrt2 = ti.sqrt(2)
def h(e):
    u = e.trace() / sqrt2
    v = ti.abs(ti.Vector([e[0, 0] - u / sqrt2, e[1, 1] - u / sqrt2]).norm())
    fe = c0 * (v ** 4) / (1 + v ** 3)

    ret = 0.0
    if u + fe < a + sC: ret = 1
    if u + fe > b + sC: ret = 0
    ret = h_s((u + fe - a - sC) / (b - a))
    return ret

state = ti.field(dtype = int, shape = n_particles)
pi = 3.14159265358979
def project(e0, p):
    e = e0 + vc_s[p] / d * ti.Matrix.identity(float, 3) # volume correction treatment
    e += (c_C0[p] * (1.0 - phi_s[p])) / (d * alpha_s[p]) * ti.Matrix.identity(float, 3) # effects of cohesion
    ehat = e - e.trace() / d * ti.Matrix.identity(float, 3)
    Fnorm = ti.sqrt(ehat[0, 0] ** 2 + ehat[1, 1] ** 2 + ehat[2, 2] ** 2) # Frobenius norm
    yp = Fnorm + (d * lambda_s + 2 * mu_s) / (2 * mu_s) * e.trace() * alpha_s[p] # delta gamma
    new_e = ti.Matrix.zero(float, 3, 3)
    delta_q = 0.0
    if Fnorm <= 0 or e.trace() > 0: # Case II:
        new_e = ti.Matrix.zero(float, 3, 3)
        delta_q = ti.sqrt(e[0, 0] ** 2 + e[1, 1] ** 2 + e[2, 2] ** 2)
        state[p] = 0
    elif yp <= 0: # Case I:
        new_e = e0 # return initial matrix without volume correction and cohesive effect
        delta_q = 0
        state[p] = 1
    else: # Case III:
        new_e = e - yp / Fnorm * ehat
        delta_q = yp
        state[p] = 2

    return new_e, delta_q

h0, h1, h2, h3 = 35, 9, 0.2, 10
def hardening(dq, p): # The amount of hardening depends on the amount of correction that occurred due to plasticity
    q_s[p] += dq
    phi = h0 + (h1 * q_s[p] - h3) * ti.exp(-h2 * q_s[p])
    phi = phi / 180 * pi # details in Table. 3: Friction angle phi_F and hardening parameters h0, h1, and h3 are listed in degrees for convenience
    sin_phi = ti.sin(phi)
    alpha_s[p] = ti.sqrt(2 / 3) * (2 * sin_phi) / (3 - sin_phi)

def substep():
    # set zero initial state for both water/sand grid
    for i, j, k in grid_sm:
        grid_sv[i, j, k], grid_wv[i, j, k] = [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]
        grid_sm[i, j, k], grid_wm[i, j, k] = 0, 0
        grid_sf[i, j, k], grid_wf[i, j, k] = [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]

    # P2G (sand's part)
    for p in range(n_s_particles[None]):
        base = (x_s[p] * inv_dx - 0.5).cast(int)
        if base[0] < 0 or base[1] < 0 or base[2] < 0 or base[0] >= n_grid - 2 or base[1] >= n_grid - 2 or base[2] >= n_grid - 2:
        fx = x_s[p] * inv_dx - base.cast(float)
        # Quadratic kernels  [http://mpm.graphics   Eqn. 123, with x=fx, fx-1,fx-2]
        w = [0.5 * (1.5 - fx) ** 2, 0.75 - (fx - 1) ** 2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5) ** 2]
        U, sig, V = ti.svd(F_s[p])
        inv_sig = sig.inverse()
        e = ti.Matrix([[ti.log(sig[0, 0]), 0, 0], [0, ti.log(sig[1, 1]), 0], [0, 0, ti.log(sig[2, 2])]])
        stress = U @ (2 * mu_s * inv_sig @ e + lambda_s * e.trace() * inv_sig) @ V.transpose() # formula (25)
        stress = (-p_vol * 4 * inv_dx * inv_dx) * stress @ F_s[p].transpose()
        # stress *= h(e)
        # print(h(e))
        affine = s_mass * C_s[p]
        for i, j, k in ti.static(ti.ndrange(3, 3, 3)):
            offset = ti.Vector([i, j, k])
            dpos = (offset.cast(float) - fx) * dx
            weight = w[i][0] * w[j][1] * w[k][2]
            grid_sv[base + offset] += weight * (s_mass * v_s[p] + affine @ dpos)
            grid_sm[base + offset] += weight * s_mass
            grid_sf[base + offset] += weight * stress @ dpos

    # P2G (water's part):
    for p in range(n_w_particles[None]):
        base = (x_w[p] * inv_dx - 0.5).cast(int)
        fx = x_w[p] * inv_dx - base.cast(float)
        # Quadratic kernels  [http://mpm.graphics   Eqn. 123, with x=fx, fx-1,fx-2]
        w = [0.5 * (1.5 - fx) ** 2, 0.75 - (fx - 1) ** 2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5) ** 2]
        stress = w_k * (1 - 1 / (J_w[p] ** w_gamma))
        stress = (-p_vol * 4 * inv_dx * inv_dx) * stress * J_w[p]
        # stress = -4 * 400 * p_vol * (J_w[p] - 1) / dx ** 2 (special case when gamma equals to 1)
        affine = w_mass * C_w[p]
        # affine = ti.Matrix([[stress, 0], [0, stress]]) + w_mass * C_w[p]
        for i, j, k in ti.static(ti.ndrange(3, 3, 3)):
            offset = ti.Vector([i, j, k])
            dpos = (offset.cast(float) - fx) * dx
            weight = w[i][0] * w[j][1] * w[k][2]
            grid_wv[base + offset] += weight * (w_mass * v_w[p] + affine @ dpos)
            grid_wm[base + offset] += weight * w_mass
            grid_wf[base + offset] += weight * stress * dpos

    # Update Grids Momentum
    for i, j, k in grid_sm:
        if grid_sm[i, j, k] > 0:
            grid_sv[i, j, k] = (1 / grid_sm[i, j, k]) * grid_sv[i, j, k] # Momentum to velocity
        if grid_wm[i, j, k] > 0:
            grid_wv[i, j, k] = (1 / grid_wm[i, j, k]) * grid_wv[i, j, k]

        # Momentum exchange
        cE = (n ** 3 * w_rho * gravity[2]) / k_hat #  drag coefficient
        if grid_sm[i, j, k] > 0 and grid_wm[i, j, k] > 0:
            sm, wm = grid_sm[i, j, k], grid_wm[i, j, k]
            sv, wv = grid_sv[i, j, k], grid_wv[i, j, k]
            d = cE * sm * wm
            M = ti.Matrix([[sm, 0], [0, wm]])
            D = ti.Matrix([[-d, d], [d, -d]])
            V = ti.Matrix.rows([sv, wv])
            G = ti.Matrix.rows([gravity, gravity])
            F = ti.Matrix.rows([grid_sf[i, j, k], grid_wf[i, j, k]])

            A = M + dt * D
            B = M @ V + dt * (M @ G + F)
            X = A.inverse() @ B
            grid_sv[i, j, k], grid_wv[i, j, k] = ti.Vector([X[0, 0], X[0, 1], X[0, 2]]), ti.Vector([X[1, 0], X[1, 1], X[1, 2]])

        elif grid_sm[i, j, k] > 0:
            grid_sv[i, j, k] += dt * (gravity + grid_sf[i, j, k] / grid_sm[i, j, k]) # Update explicit force
        elif grid_wm[i, j, k] > 0:
            grid_wv[i, j, k] += dt * (gravity + grid_wf[i, j, k] / grid_wm[i, j, k])

        if grid_sm[i, j, k] > 0:
            if i < 3 and grid_sv[i, j, k][0] < 0:          grid_sv[i, j, k][0] = 0 # Boundary conditions
            if i > n_grid - 3 and grid_sv[i, j, k][0] > 0: grid_sv[i, j, k][0] = 0
            if j < 3 and grid_sv[i, j, k][1] < 0:          grid_sv[i, j, k][1] = 0
            if j > n_grid - 3 and grid_sv[i, j, k][1] > 0: grid_sv[i, j, k][1] = 0
            if k < 3 and grid_sv[i, j, k][2] < 0:          grid_sv[i, j, k][2] = 0
            if k > n_grid - 3 and grid_sv[i, j, k][2] > 0: grid_sv[i, j, k][2] = 0

        if grid_wm[i, j, k] > 0:
            if i < 3 and grid_wv[i, j, k][0] < 0:          grid_wv[i, j, k][0] = 0 # Boundary conditionw
            if i > n_grid - 3 and grid_wv[i, j, k][0] > 0: grid_wv[i, j, k][0] = 0
            if j < 3 and grid_wv[i, j, k][1] < 0:          grid_wv[i, j, k][1] = 0
            if j > n_grid - 3 and grid_wv[i, j, k][1] > 0: grid_wv[i, j, k][1] = 0
            if k < 3 and grid_wv[i, j, k][2] < 0:          grid_wv[i, j, k][2] = 0
            if k > n_grid - 3 and grid_wv[i, j, k][2] > 0: grid_wv[i, j, k][2] = 0

    # G2P (water's part)
    for p in range(n_w_particles[None]):
        base = (x_w[p] * inv_dx - 0.5).cast(int)
        fx = x_w[p] * inv_dx - base.cast(float)
        w = [0.5 * (1.5 - fx) ** 2, 0.75 - (fx - 1.0) ** 2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5) ** 2]
        new_v = ti.Vector.zero(float, 3)
        new_C = ti.Matrix.zero(float, 3, 3)
        for i, j, k in ti.static(ti.ndrange(3, 3, 3)):
            dpos = ti.Vector([i, j, k]).cast(float) - fx
            g_v = grid_wv[base + ti.Vector([i, j, k])]
            weight = w[i][0] * w[j][1] * w[k][2]
            new_v += weight * g_v
            new_C += 4 * inv_dx * weight * g_v.outer_product(dpos)
        J_w[p] = (1 + dt * new_C.trace()) * J_w[p]
        v_w[p], C_w[p] = new_v, new_C
        x_w[p] += dt * v_w[p]

    # G2P (sand's part)
    for p in range(n_s_particles[None]):
        base = (x_s[p] * inv_dx - 0.5).cast(int)
        if base[0] < 0 or base[1] < 0 or base[2] < 0 or base[0] >= n_grid - 2 or base[1] >= n_grid - 2 or base[2] >= n_grid - 2:
        fx = x_s[p] * inv_dx - base.cast(float)
        w = [0.5 * (1.5 - fx) ** 2, 0.75 - (fx - 1.0) ** 2, 0.5 * (fx - 0.5) ** 2]
        new_v = ti.Vector.zero(float, 3)
        new_C = ti.Matrix.zero(float, 3, 3)
        phi_s[p] = 0.0 # Saturation
        for i, j, k in ti.static(ti.ndrange(3, 3, 3)): # loop over 3x3 grid node neighborhood
            dpos = ti.Vector([i, j, k]).cast(float) - fx
            g_v = grid_sv[base + ti.Vector([i, j, k])]
            weight = w[i][0] * w[j][1] * w[k][2]
            new_v += weight * g_v
            new_C += 4 * inv_dx * weight * g_v.outer_product(dpos)
            if grid_sm[base + ti.Vector([i, j, k])] > 0 and grid_wm[base + ti.Vector([i, j, k])] > 0:
                phi_s[p] += weight # formula (24)

        F_s[p] = (ti.Matrix.identity(float, 3) + dt * new_C) @ F_s[p]
        v_s[p], C_s[p] = new_v, new_C
        x_s[p] += dt * v_s[p]

        U, sig, V = ti.svd(F_s[p])
        e = ti.Matrix([[ti.log(sig[0, 0]), 0, 0], [0, ti.log(sig[1, 1]), 0], [0, 0, ti.log(sig[2, 2])]])
        new_e, dq = project(e, p)
        hardening(dq, p)
        new_F = U @ ti.Matrix([[ti.exp(new_e[0, 0]), 0, 0], [0, ti.exp(new_e[1, 1]), 0], [0, 0, ti.exp(new_e[2, 2])]]) @ V.transpose()
        vc_s[p] += -ti.log(new_F.determinant()) + ti.log(F_s[p].determinant()) # formula (26)
        F_s[p] = new_F

def initialize():
    n_s_particles[None] = 10000 * quality ** 3
    for i in range(n_s_particles[None]):
        x_s[i] = [ti.random() * 0.25 + 0.4, ti.random() * 0.25 + 0.4, ti.random() * 0.4 + 0.01]
        v_s[i] = ti.Matrix([0, 0, 0])
        F_s[i] = ti.Matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        c_C0[i] = -0.01
        alpha_s[i] = 0.267765

    n_w_particles[None] = 0

def update_jet():
    if n_w_particles[None] < 20000 - 50:
        for i in range(n_w_particles[None], n_w_particles[None] + 50):
            x_w[i] = [ti.random() * 0.03 + 0.92, 0.485 + ti.random() * 0.03, ti.random() * 0.03 + 0.5]
            v_w[i] = ti.Matrix([-1.5, 0, 0])
            J_w[i] = 1

        n_w_particles[None] += 50

def color_lerp(r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, t):
    return int((r1 * (1 - t) + r2 * t) * 0x100) * 0x10000 + int((g1 * (1 - t) + g2 * t) * 0x100) * 0x100 + int((b1 * (1 - t) + b2 * t) * 0x100)

color_s = ti.field(dtype = int, shape = n_particles)
color_w = ti.field(dtype = int, shape = n_particles)
def update_color():
    for i in range(n_s_particles[None]):
        color_s[i] = color_lerp(0.521, 0.368, 0.259, 0.318, 0.223, 0.157, phi_s[i])
    for i in range(n_w_particles[None]):
        color_w[i] = color_lerp(0.2, 0.231, 0.792, 0.867, 0.886, 0.886, v_w[i].norm() / 3.0)

pos_s = ti.Vector.field(2, dtype = float, shape = n_particles)
pos_w = ti.Vector.field(2, dtype = float, shape = n_particles)
def update_pos():
    for i in range(n_s_particles[None]):
        pos_s[i] = ti.Vector([x_s[i][0], x_s[i][2]])
        # pos_s[i] = ti.Vector([x_s[i][0], x_s[i][1]])
    for i in range(n_w_particles[None]):
        pos_w[i] = ti.Vector([x_w[i][0], x_w[i][2]])
        # pos_w[i] = ti.Vector([x_w[i][0], x_w[i][1]])

project_view = False
frame = 0
gui = ti.GUI("2D Dam", res = 512, background_color = 0xFFFFFF)
while True:
    for e in gui.get_events(ti.GUI.PRESS):
        if e.key == gui.SPACE: project_view = not project_view
        elif e.key in [ti.GUI.ESCAPE, ti.GUI.EXIT]:
    for s in range(5):
    if project_view:
        gui.circles(pos_w.to_numpy(), radius = 1.5, color = 0x068587)
        colors = np.array([0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF], dtype = np.uint32)
        gui.circles(pos_s.to_numpy(), radius = 1.5, color = colors[state.to_numpy()])
        gui.circles(pos_w.to_numpy(), radius = 1.5, color = color_w.to_numpy())
        gui.circles(pos_s.to_numpy(), radius = 1.5, color = color_s.to_numpy())
    # gui.show(f'{frame:06d}.png')
    frame += 1

目前 taichi 提供的 svd 函数实现有问题,返回的矩阵都是 det 为 +1 的,而且输入必须是可逆矩阵,所以这可能是一个原因。我们会在 1.0 的 release 以后重构这部分代码。

