Taichi + TressFX毛发


TressFX 也是多年前的方法了,不过直到今天也少有游戏使用发丝物理模拟
Han, Dongsoo, and Takahiro Harada. “Real-time hair simulation with efficient hair style preservation.” (2012).

并没有完全重写tressfx所有pass,只实现了global local constraint和length constraint

官方DX12 Compute Demo里,Integrate, Global, Local constraint 大约0.7ms

性能差不多在同一个数量级,考虑到我也没啥优化经验就能做到这样,而官方Demo里computer shader的编写难度较高,要大量使用groupshare memory,确实写taichi还是容易不少的。

# TressFX with taichi
# author: info@ma-yidong.com
# some code adopted from https://github.com/lyd405121/OpenClothPy
import taichi as ti

ti.init(arch=ti.gpu, kernel_profiler=True)

steps               = 1

# strand params
n_strand            = 100
n_strand_split      = 32
stiffness_local     = 0.9
stiffness_global    = 0.005

# global buffer
transform_root      = ti.Matrix.field(4,4, float, n_strand)
pos                 = ti.Vector.field(3, float, (n_strand, n_strand_split))
pos_prev            = ti.Vector.field(3, float, (n_strand, n_strand_split))
pos_rest            = ti.Vector.field(3, float, (n_strand, n_strand_split))
length_rest         = ti.Vector.field(1, float, (n_strand, n_strand_split))
time_elapsed        = ti.field(float, (1))

# other params
imgSize             = 720
img                 = ti.Vector.field(3, float, shape=[imgSize,imgSize])
screenRes           = ti.Vector([imgSize, imgSize])
gravity             = ti.Vector([0.0, -9.8, 0.0])
deltaT              = 0.0167

def get_length2(v):
    return ti.sqrt(v.x*v.x+ v.y*v.y)

def quat_normalize(q):
    n = q.dot(q)
    if  n < 1e-10:
        q.w = 1.0
        q *= 1.0 / ti.sqrt(n)
    return q

def quat_from_two_unit_vector(u, v):
    r = 1.0 + u.dot(v)
    n = ti.Vector([0.0,0.0,0.0])
    if r < 1e-7:
        r = 0.0
        if ti.abs(u.x) > ti.abs(u.z):
            n = ti.Vector([-u[1], u[0], 0.0])
            n = ti.Vector([0.0, -u[2], u[1]])
        n = u.cross(v)
    q = ti.Vector([n[0], n[1], n[2], r])
    return quat_normalize(q)

def mul_quat_and_vector(q, v):
    qvec = ti.Vector([q[0], q[1], q[2]])
    uv = qvec.cross(v)
    uuv = qvec.cross(uv)
    uv *= (2.0 * q[3])
    uuv *= 2.0
    return v + uv + uuv

def make_matrix_rotation_x(angle):
    return ti.Matrix([

def make_matrix_translation(translation):
    return ti.Matrix([

def make_homogeneous(vec):
    return ti.Vector([vec.x, vec.y, vec.z, 1])

def make_3d(vec):
    return ti.Vector([vec.x, vec.y, vec.z])

def fill_pixel(v, z, c):
    if (v.x >= 0) and  (v.x <screenRes.x) and (v.y >=0 ) and  (v.y < screenRes.y):
        img[v]   = c

def transform(vec):
    phi, theta = 90 * 3.14 / 180.0, 32 * 3.14 / 180.0
    vec = vec * 0.1                                 
    x, y, z = vec.x-0.2, vec.y-0.3, vec.z
    c, s = ti.cos(phi), ti.sin(phi)
    C, S = ti.cos(theta), ti.sin(theta)
    x, z = x * c + z * s, z * c - x * s
    u, v = x, y * C + z * S
    return ti.Vector([(u+0.5)* imgSize,(v+0.5)* imgSize, 0.5])

#https://github.com/miloyip/line/blob/master/line_bresenham.c can be further optimized
def draw_line(v0,v1):
    v0 = transform(v0)
    v1 = transform(v1)
    s0 = ti.Vector([ti.cast(v0.x,  ti.i32), ti.cast(v0.y,  ti.i32)])
    s1 = ti.Vector([ti.cast(v1.x,  ti.i32), ti.cast(v1.y,  ti.i32)])
    dis = get_length2(s1 - s0)
    x0 = s0.x
    y0 = s0.y
    z0 = v0.z
    x1 = s1.x
    y1 = s1.y
    z1 = v1.z
    dx = abs(x1 - x0)
    sx = -1
    if x0 < x1 :
        sx = 1
    dy = abs(y1 - y0)
    sy = -1
    if y1 > y0:
        sy = 1
    dz = z1 - z0
    err = 0
    if dx > dy :
        err = ti.cast(dx/2,  ti.i32)
    else :
        err = ti.cast(-dy/2, ti.i32)
    for i in range(0, 64):
        distC = get_length2( ti.Vector([x1,y1])- ti.Vector([x0,y0]))
        fill_pixel(ti.Vector([x0,y0]), dz * (distC / dis) + v0.z, ti.Vector([0.64, 0.804, 0.902]))
        e2 = err
        if (e2 > -dx):
            err -= dy
            x0 += sx
        if (e2 <  dy):
            err += dx
            y0 += sy
        if (x0 == x1) and (y0 == y1):

def draw():
    for i,j in pos:
        if j < n_strand_split-1:
            draw_line(pos[i,j], pos[i,j+1])

def clear():
    for i, j in img:
        img[i,j] = ti.Vector([0.06,0.184,0.255])

def drive_root():
    time_elapsed[0] += deltaT * 0.3
    center = ti.Vector([0,6,0])
    frac = ti.abs(time_elapsed[0] - ti.floor(time_elapsed[0]))
    frac = ti.sin(frac * 2 * 3.1415)
    frac *= 0.2
    for i in range(n_strand):
        mat = make_matrix_translation(-center) @ make_matrix_rotation_x(frac) @ make_matrix_translation(center)
        transform_root[i] = mat

def substep():
    for i,j in pos:
        coord  = ti.Vector([i, j])
        rest = pos_rest[coord]
        # apply skinning
        initial_pos = transform_root[i] @ ti.Vector([rest.x, rest.y, rest.z, 1])
        # gravity and integrate
        if j > 0:
            acc             = gravity  
            tmp             = pos[coord]       
            pos[coord]      = (2*pos[coord] - pos_prev[coord]) + acc * deltaT * deltaT
            pos_prev[coord]  = tmp
        else: # root
            pos[coord]      = ti.Vector([initial_pos.x, initial_pos.y, initial_pos.z])
        # global shape constraints
        pos[coord]  += stiffness_global * ( ti.Vector([initial_pos.x, initial_pos.y, initial_pos.z]) - pos[coord])
    # local shape constraints
    for i in range(n_strand):
        bone_mat = transform_root[i]
        for j in range(1, n_strand_split-1):
            bind_pos        = make_3d(bone_mat @ make_homogeneous(pos_rest[i,j]))
            bind_pos_before = make_3d(bone_mat @ make_homogeneous(pos_rest[i,j-1]))
            bind_pos_after  = make_3d(bone_mat @ make_homogeneous(pos_rest[i,j+1]))

            vec_bind = bind_pos_after - bind_pos
            vec_prv_bind = bind_pos - bind_pos_before
            last_vec = pos_rest[i,j] - pos_rest[i,j-1]
            rot_global = quat_from_two_unit_vector(vec_prv_bind.normalized(), last_vec.normalized())

            orgPos_i_plus_1_InGlobalFrame = mul_quat_and_vector(rot_global, vec_prv_bind) + pos[i,j]
            dist = stiffness_global * (orgPos_i_plus_1_InGlobalFrame - pos[i,j+1])
            pos[i,j] -= dist
            pos[i,j+1] += dist

    # edge length constraint
    for it in ti.static(range(1)):
        for i in range(n_strand):
            for j in range(0, n_strand_split-1):
                delta = pos[i, j+1] - pos[i,j]
                stretch = 1.0 - length_rest[i,j][0] / delta.norm()
                delta *= stretch
                if j == 0:
                    pos[i,j+1] -= delta
                    pos[i,j] += delta * 0.5
                    pos[i,j+1] -= delta * 0.5
    # collision to add

def init():
    # precompute rest-state values
    strand_seg_len = 5.0 / n_strand_split
    for i in range(n_strand):
        base_pos = ti.Vector([ti.random() * 0.2, 5.0, ti.random() * 0.2])
        for j in range(n_strand_split):
            phase_offset = ti.random() * 5
            local_offset        = ti.Vector([
                j * base_pos.x * 0.2 + j * 0.02 * ti.cos(phase_offset + j/0.5), 
                -j * strand_seg_len, 
                j * base_pos.z * 0.2 + j * 0.02 * ti.sin(phase_offset + j/0.5)])
            pos[i, j]           = base_pos + local_offset
            pos_prev [i, j]     = pos[i, j]
            pos_rest[i, j]      = pos[i, j]
            length_rest[i,j]    = ti.Vector([strand_seg_len])

gui = ti.GUI('TressFx Demo', res=(imgSize,imgSize))
while gui.running and not gui.get_event(gui.ESCAPE):
    for s in range(steps):


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